The EOS of Everything
“Can you find me the EOS of software development?” – asked Nick Beavers, the owner of a prospering software company. “I have been looking for a simple self-sustaining system for writing code and was wondering if there was one out there.” — he explained. I pinged my EOS Implementer friends on Slack, but Agile was […]
Accountability for 47 Roles
A headhunter approached me today for a C-Level position at a large advertising agency. I have been self-employed for the last 19 years and have doubts whether I would even be capable of working at a large organization, but my curiosity got the better of me and I clicked to learn more. They had a […]
Mindless Processes: When Systemizing Gets out of Hand
You have been and will be reading a lot about the importance of processes, including mindless processes, in this newsletter. I am a fervent believer in them as they can help create scalable, manageable and fun businesses, where people at all levels execute efficiently, without hesitation, delivering quality performance. Isadore Sharp, founder of Four Seasons, […]
Be the Doctor, not the Nurse!
At a recent visit to my ophthalmologist, I was struck by how little time the doctor spent with me and nevertheless how satisfied I was with the visit. Of the 75 minutes I lingered, five were spent with the receptionist, and an hour with two medical associates. One of them conducted measurements and gave me […]
Time blocking: A critical ingredient to business success
Time management has long been my obsession. It’s really a euphemism for self-management and the end-all and be-all of productivity. (The Entrepreneurial Operating System [EOS] is, at its essence, a self-management program for companies.) One major time management tactic is time blocking. Recently, I was reminded of this when reading Gary Keller’s “everywhere bestseller” titled […]
Visionaries Taking Back the Integrator Seat
I have come across multiple businesses lately where a “Visionary” decided to descend from the strategic heights to retrieve the reins of the business from their number two “Integrator” whom they had earlier appointed to run the show.
Mindless Processes — MBP#04
Welcome to the January edition of the Management Blueprint, including: (1) tips about leveraging your time, (2) how to supercharge your sales organization; (3) a rant about how NOT to systemize your business; and (4) six local entrepreneurs sharing their favorite business books. Be sure to read this issue and start the ’20s with the […]
The Grandfather of Management – MBP#03
Welcome to the December edition of the Management Blueprint. Read about the originator of the principle management ideas of our times; what it means to run your business on multiple operating systems; and what a handful of entrepreneurs think about the skillset you need in the 20’s.
The CEO is the Rising Tide – Management Blueprint #02
Dear Reader, Welcome to the November edition of the Management Blueprint newsletter, with the following articles: The CEO is the Rising Tide Individual Rocks: To Share or Not to Share Management Blueprints and Why Use One Entrepreneurs’ Corner Feel free to download your latest Management Blueprint here.
Launching the Management Blueprint
Dear Reader, You are holding in your hand the inaugural edition of Management Blueprint, a newsletter written by and for the business owner and leader. Management Blueprints, such as the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®), are social systems, that allow small and medium size privately owned businesses to succeed. This newsletter is the medium through which […]