Thank you for your interest. We will get back to you shortly.
Steve Preda
Founder, SPBG
(804) 332-1307
Thank you for your interest. We will get back to you shortly.
Steve Preda
Founder, SPBG
(804) 332-1307
Turn your Playbooks into habits and drive productivity and scale.
Drive results by defining actionable, weekly recurring actions for your main Functional Outcomes.
Take the first stab at its design by simplifying and encoding what you’ve already got.
Identify the Functions your business need and put the right people in the right seats.
Mark yourself to your industry’s elite. That is where you belong!
Identify your Cross-functional, Functional and Subfunctional Playbooks. Start with the ones that swing the needle.
Pick your priorities and get them done step-by-step every quarter, even every month if you are in hyper-growth.
Explore where your business should be heading and map your journey and strategy.
Keep getting better every quarter. Enrich, Simplify, Eliminate and Automate
Construct a best-in-class profitable business.
Get your whole organization buy into your culture, vision, strategy and plans.
Over-communicate to stay focused and aligned. Accelerate the velocity of decisions and actions in your business.
Develop an organization of personal growth and coachability.
Articulate the behaviors and beliefs that have helped you succeed, and build a culture of trust and leadership.