Become a Summit OS business coach

Join our quest to eradicate Business Covid™ and help business owners and CEOs reach their ideal lives while building great businesses.

Summit OS

Turn businesses into well-oiled

Strategy OS

Help companies dig a moat and leave competitors on the dust

Would you like to join our quest to eradicate Business Covid™ and help small to medium size business owners and CEOs reach their ideal lives while building great businesses?

Would you like to have access to the most impactful business growth tools and concepts of the 2020s?

Have you been in the trenches building or running a substantive business from the top or the C-suite? Are you intellectually curious and have the drive to take businesses to the top?

If you answered “yes” to the questions above we invite you to join us!

How to become a business coach at Steve Preda Business growth?

Sign up for a webinar by filling in the form below. You will learn about Summit OS, Strategy OS, how to build a high-end buisness coaching practice, and find out what it takes to join the vanguard of business coaching.

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    I am thrilled to recommend Summit OS as a game-changing business operating system, having head the opportunity to work with the team around Steve Preda.

    I was able to go through the guide training and explore the platform with video tutorials for guides. This is a very good starting point as far as training goes.

    I was immediately impressed by the exceptional quality of the materials and tools / resources at our disposal as a guide. The fact that Summit OS keeps evolving and is truly interested in having every client succeed is truly amazing. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach at Summit OS. The only thing that is sure is that every client who truly wants it, will reach their individual Summit!

    By using Summit OS, businesses can gain access to an invaluable toolkit that will help them streamline their processes, optimize performance and ultimately achieve the success they want for themselves.

    As a guide I love the fact that I can actively contribute to shaping the future of Summit OS.

    – Thomas Rechtien
    Summit OS Coach


    Steve Preda is a tremendous business guide, mentor, and thought leader in the coaching space.  A prolific thinker and writer, Steve has written or co-authored books that underpin major operating systems such as Pinnacle and most recently Summit OS.  Beyond his work in developing business operating systems, Steve has focused on how SME’s can build strategies that will create a sustainable moat around their businesses which he articulated in his second book, Strategy OS.

    He has been a mentor to me in my coaching practice, helping me develop business and teach concepts to my clients.  His Summit OS and Strategy OS systems are coherent and the tools simple and fresh.  I can recommend Steve to any client that wants to scale, become differentiated and more profitable in their industry, and ultimately position themselves for sale.

    – Peter Santry
    Summit OS Coach