90: The E-Myth and a 401K for your Business with Van Carlson

Van Carlson is the CEO of SRA 831(b) Admin, a company that helps private businesses set up their own captive self-insurance to cover oversized and unusual risks threatening their businesses. We talk about the 831(b) insurance captive, tax-efficient strategies for funding insurance premiums, and the risks your business should be protected against when setting up an insurance cover.


Time Stamps

[00:35] Van’s entrepreneurial journey

[03:29] Managing financial risk using captive insurance 

[04:59] Van’s experience with management blueprints 

[07:36] Technology and AI in the modern business environment

[09:52] Understanding the entrepreneurial myth

[10:39] The basics of the 831(b) insurance captive

[12:25] Liability insurance and protection against lawsuits

[16:02] Tax-efficient strategies for funding insurance premiums

[19:05] What to look out for before settling on an insurance cover

[22:22] Practical business size for creating a captive insurance vehicle

[25:25] The best way to set up a captive insurance plan and minimize on taxes

[27:45] Understanding the type of risks your insurance will cover

[28:59] Parting thoughts 


Links and Resources:

Van Carlson’s LinkedIn


Van’s email: van@831(b).com

The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber

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