83: Position Your Business with Saleema Vellani

Saleema Vellani is an award-winning innovation strategist, serial entrepreneur, professor, and author of the book Innovation Starts With ‘I.’ She is also the Founder and CEO of Ripple Impact, an accelerator and community that helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses. We talk about innovation in today’s business environment, how to future-proof your business, and the benefits of adopting a hybrid-preneurship lifestyle.


Time Stamps

[00:37] Saleema’s entrepreneurial journey

[04:57] Ripple Impact’s core mission and business framework

[06:51] Saleema’s experience with management blueprints

[10:14] Understanding the Business Positioning Canvas

[10:58] Why Saleema wrote the book Innovation Starts with I

[14:45] How to Future-Proof your business

[16:43] How technology is disrupting the workplace and replacing workers

[18:31] Why you need to embrace the hybrid-preneurship lifestyle 

[20:16] Understanding the concept of hybrid-preneurship

[22:59] Sweet Spot Mapping and why it’s so effective

[25:14] The history of Saleema’s Action Priority Matrix 

[26:08] Stages of an entrepreneur’s journey to success

[28:58] Parting thoughts


Links and Resources

Saleema’s LinkedIn



Innovation Starts With I by Saleema Vellani

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