51: Touch a Billion People with Sathya Elumalai

Sathya Elumalai is the President and CEO of Aidar Health, a healthcare technology and digital therapeutics company reimagining today’s chronic care management and health monitoring. We talk about the impact of digital health technologies on medicine, Mouth Lab’s quest to reinvent rapid health assessment, and the importance of technological synergy in medicine. 



[00:45] Sathya’s entrepreneurial journey

[03:26] Sathya’s transition from medicine into entrepreneurship

[06:38] Unboss and Sathya’s experience with management blueprints

[10:05] Mouth Lab’s quest to reinvent rapid health assessment

[12:44] Hacking daily health through the mouth 

[15:50] Sathya’s plan to grow and scale Aidar Health

[17:40] Mouth Lab’s partners and investors

[19:03] The impact of digital health technologies on medicine

[24:01] The importance of technological synergy in medicine

[27:01] Aidar Health’s five-year goal

[29:58] Touching a billion lives through personalized healthcare


Links and Resources

Sathya’s LinkedIn Page

Sathya’s Website

Sathya’s contact email: CEO@Aidar.com

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