225: Stack Your Lead Generation with Chris Prefontaine

Chris Prefontaine, Founder of Smart Real Estate Coach, is motivated by creating experiences that money cannot buy.


We learn about Chris’s journey from the 2008 real estate crash to establishing Smart Real Estate Coach in 2014. He developed an interactive model for creative property deals without banks, cash, or credit, enabling students to work with them across North America.


Chris’s frameworks include owner financing, lease purchases, and subject-to deals, helping students avoid financial exposure while achieving their goals. He also shares his LeadGen Stacking framework, which involves swapping email lists, writing books, building a YouTube presence, and hosting events. This diversified approach ensures a steady stream of leads and business growth.


(0:28) Chris’s entrepreneurial journey

(7:58) The LeadGen Stacking Framework

(14:52) Future of Smart Real Estate Coach

(19:05) Find out more about Chris


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