223: Help Your People Find Meaning with Barry LaBov

Barry LaBov, owner of LaBov and Beyond Marketing, is driven by his passion for originality and helping people achieve their potential.


From rock musician to marketing entrepreneur, Barry’s journey is marked by creativity and perseverance. He founded his marketing firm to channel his love for creativity into helping companies discover their unique strengths. Barry’s five-step brand re-engineering process—Brand Assessment, Technical Immersion, Design Brand Strategy, Execute, and Celebrate & Launch—focuses on leveraging a company’s inherent qualities.


His book, The Power of Differentiation, aims to inspire companies to win hearts, minds, and market share by engaging their people meaningfully. 


(0:38) Rock musician to entrepreneur

(5:43) The Brand Reengineering Framework

(9:50) What makes your business unique

(19:24) The Power of Differentiation

(22:00) What’s next for Barry


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