205: Build Human Capacity with Robert Glazer

Robert Glazer, five times entrepreneur, six times bestselling author, keynote speaker, founder of Acceleration Partners, which is a leading global partnership marketing agency. He is also the author of the Friday Forward newsletter, read around the world by 200,000 people. We discuss about his Capacity Building Framework, his approach to choosing projects, and the purpose of the Friday Forward Newsletter, culminating in Robert next-level ventures focusing on core values and growth in business.


(00:35) Robert’s entrepreneurial journey

(01:44) Partnership Marketing Agency

(4:25 ) The Capacity Building Framework 

(10:32) How does Robert decide which projects or companies to invest his time in

(11:52) The purpose of Friday Forward Newsletter

(18:16) Robert Glazer’s Next-Level Ventures: Unveiling Core Values and Growth in Business 

(22:02) Parting Thoughts


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