183: Make Money by Doing Good with Ricky Marton

Ricky Marton is the Founder & CEO of Koru, an easy-to-use software service that helps companies build a balanced and diversified impact portfolio through strategic partnerships. We discuss how you can become profitable by doing good in society, why you need to focus on ESG as a small business, and how businesses can become a catalyst for societal change. 



[00:40] Ricky’s entrepreneurial journey

[01:41] The benefits of focusing on ESG as a small business

[02:53] How ESG impacts talent acquisition

[05:20] Do customers really care about ESG?

[07:32] Why ESG performance is important for investors

[11:17] Ways your company will benefit from supporting the community

[12:52] Impactful ESG use cases in business

[16:28] Businesses as a catalyst for societal change

[18:14] Who is a Private Impact Expert?

[10:50] How to take advantage of ESG opportunities

[23:17] Parting thoughts    


Links and Resources

Steve and Greg Cleary’s Book: Pinnacle: Five Principles that Take Your Business to the Top of the Mountain

Work with Steve – Stevepreda.com

Connect with Steve on LinkedIn

Ricky’s LinkedIn 

Ricky’s website – www.koru.global