140: Drive Sales Through Conference Speaking with Mark Bealin

Mark Bealin is the Founder & Principal of SearchLab, a rapidly growing internet marketing agency that helps local businesses grow through search engine optimization, paid search marketing, and website design. We discuss the evolution of SEO, how to drive sales through conference speaking, and ways to get more conference speaking opportunities. 


Time Stamps

[00:42] Mark’s entrepreneurial journey

[02:40] SearchLab’s unique sales framework

[05:22] Proven strategy to drive sales using conferences

[07:55] How Mark gets numerous opportunities to speak at events

[10:54] The growth and evolution of SEO

[15:37] Factors that influence a successful pay-per-click campaign

[17:34] What is a good enough return on ad spend?

[19:31] The types of businesses that work well with SEO

[21:37] Understanding how consumers research and buy products

[24:12] Areas SEO struggles to drive results

[25:08] The misconceptions about how people search online

[27:09] Why and how Mark started his podcast Suds & Search

[29:55] Parting thoughts 


Links and Resources

Steve and Greg Cleary’s Book: Pinnacle: Five Principles that Take Your Business to the Top of the Mountain

Work with Steve – Stevepreda.com

Mark’s LinkedIn

Suds & Search podcast
