13: Focus on the Fundamentals with Steve Deller

In this episode, I interview Steve Deller, Founder and CEO of Virid, a business that helps retailers navigate ecommerce best practices.


Time Stamps


[01:00] Steve’s professional background and why he started his own company

[03:40] How his company has evolved in the past 20 years

[04:36] The unique features of a company that offers both professional services and technology products

[06:36] Combining consulting and software implementation

[10:46] How might ecommerce evolve in the future

[12:36] How retailer websites can compete with Amazon

[14:57] The main challenges Virid faced, and how they overcame them

[18:11] Overhead challenges when transitioning from services to software

[19:14] Steve’s role models and what he learnt from them

[20:41] Why Virid implemented the Entrepreneurial Operating System

[23:52] How EOS helped Virid’s business

[28:04] Advice that Steve would give to his twenty-year-old self

[31:08] How to diagnose issues with clients’ ecommerce platforms



Links and Resources:

Steve Deller’s LinkedIn profile

Virid’s website

Steve Preda’s EOS blog

Join a webinar with Steve Preda

Book a free consultation with Steve Preda
